The idea behind the celebration of Women’s day is the idea of degrading gender discrimination and anti-sexism. Women’s day basically focuses on working women all over the world. The women that stand against their odds, the women that work to support their family are mainly the women for the international women’s day is celebrated. In order to understand more about International Women’s Day, we will have to know about little background details such as when did people started to celebrate this day and what is these days’ importance and that what it actually means.
A Little History
The socialist party of America in 1909 held an event called national women’s day in order to aware of the people about women’s rights and all which was suggested by Theresa Malkiel. In 1910 at the International Socialist Women’s conference which was organized in Copenhagen, Denmark German Socialist Luise Zietz inspired by the American socialist party’s idea proposed the idea of an annual women day, 100 women from 17 countries which were attending that conference agreed to Luise’s idea which was to equal rights for women all around the world especially those women who work full time along men.
International Women’s Day And Gender Equality
Today many countries in the world don’t trade with the countries that don’t provide equal rights to their women. So, this suggests that international women’s day has really been playing a role in international politics. International women’s day is about the proliferation of equal women’s rights and not gender discrimination.
Themes For International Women’s Day
Every year UN women rights panel decides a theme for the women’s day as to what will be the focal campaign point for the year. Last year’s theme was “think equal, build smart, innovate for change” this theme and motto is a genuine job for not just women but also for men! Everyone on this planet needs to think and work together to make this world a better place a place, free form gender discrimination, a place where everyone is treated equally and free of negative thoughts.
Women all over the world need to celebrate their day with the best of their thoughts and actions to end the gender difference for once and for all! But everything works two-way men should also support them and help them in their cause. Women’s day is not just for women to celebrate their equity but end the excuses of the people who are responsible for sexism.
Women all over the world work side by side their men! Currently in this time of which we consider to be modern women face gender discrimination and sexual harassment at the workplace has also become a thing in our times! Human beings don’t need a day for the proliferation of awareness about equal rights and innovative thinking equal rights add the ethical progress in our society and innovative thinking has its own perks. societies progress in every aspect of lives commercially when they think innovative and since they are good ethically their progress and thinking will advantage all of the human race.
Written by: Team couponNvoucher